Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Third American Chess Congress (1874), two Chicago Newspapers. (Part Two)

When the congress resumed on Monday, July 13th, Elder's withdrawal from the tournament was announced, so only three games were contested, on the sixth day of play. One these being the conclusion of the adjourned first game between Congdon and Judd. It was during this game that an incident occured  that threatened the troubled tournament with a bad end.

"During the game an altercation arose between the players, in which Mr. Judd showed a temper which is ill-becoming so skilled a disciple of chess. His conduct was so at variance with good breeding and gentlemanly conduct that Gen. Congdon threatens to withdraw from the tournament unless the congress reprimands the party from St. Louis. The exact nature of the unfortunate occurrence is not known, as every one of the other gentleman players disclaimed all knowledge of it. It is said, however, that this not the first time that Mr. Judd has displayed an ungovernable temper. He should study this characteristic of his temperament, and at once checkmate it by a bold determined effort." 
Chicago Times; July 14, 1874 p.3  

The Tribune in its coverage of the days doing of the congress makes no mention of the incident; only reporting Judd won the game. Meanwhile,  Hosmer won his first game with Perrin. They began their second game, which was left unfinished at end of days play, to resumed the next day.

Elder's withdrawal adversely affected Bock, who had hoped that Elder could win or at least draw a game against Mackenzie and/or Hosmer. Bock playing in ill health, now considered withdrawing from the tournament himself.

Both paper printed Bock's win over Perrin, from the fifth day of the congress.

As the tournament limped toward its conclusion, only two games were played on Tuesday, July 14th. The adjourned game between Hosmer and Perrin, which was won by Hosmer. Judd and Congdon played their second game, Judd  being the victor. Meanwhile, Frederick Bock considers his next step.

"...Mr. Bock remains undecided as to his course of action. If he should decline to continue the contest it is most probable that the first prize will be taken by the present champion of the United States, Capt. Mackenzie, of New York, and that H. Hosmer, of Chicago, will repeat triumph of 1871 and carry away second prize. The third prize will undoubtedly  be taken by Max Judd, of St. Louis...."
Chicago Daily Tribune; July 15, 1874 p.3

Neither newspaper offered coverage of the penultimate  day of the congress, so we will turn to the tournament book for coverage of the days events.

"On Wednesday, July 15th, Perrin lost one game to Judd, Bock two games to Mackenzie. Bock, who had been playing under many disadvantages, and unable from ill health to continue, resigned his game[s] with Hosmer...."
The Third American Chess Congress: Chicago 1874, p.22

The congress came to a close on Thursday, July 16th, last games were played, and later in the evening prizes were to be awarded. The results of the last games played, Congdon lost his two games to Hosmer, and resigned without contest his games with Mackenzie. Judd won the second game of his match with Perrin.

With the games done, there was now the matter of electing officers of for the, National Chess Association and the awarding of the prizes.

"The last meeting of the Congress was held yesterday evening in the chess-room of the Chicago Club, at which the first business was the election of officers for the ensuing year , which resulted as follows; James A. Congdon, of Philadelphia, President; W. W. Curran, Chicago, First Vice-President; D. M. Martinez, Texas, Second Vice-President; J. Roberts, Philadelphia, Secretary, J. G. Whiteman, Philadelphia, Treasure.
   On the motion of Gen. Congdon, it was then resolved that the next tournament be held in Philadelphia during the progress of the Centennial celebration.
   The Congress then on motion adjourned, and Mr. Curran, President of the Chicago Chess Club, took the chair, in order  to present the successful competitors the prizes which they had won. These consisted of the first prize of $225 to Capt. Mackenzie, and the second of $150 to Mr. Hosmer, the third prize of $75 have been given previously to Mr. Judd in order to enable him to reach home by an early train." 
Chicago Daily Tribune; July 17, 1874 p.3

So not even at the award ceremony were all the prize winners present, but even with illness, withdrawals and fits of temper, the congress came somewhat successful conclusion. We will give the last word, to the tournament book of the congress:

"Capt. McKenzie, on behalf of the visitors, tendered their acknowledgments of the many courtesies received during their visit, and the Congress adjourned sine die,"
The Third American Chess Congress: Chicago 1874  p,25

The Second, Third and Fourth American Chess Congress: Cleveland 1871, Chicago 1874, Philadelphia 1876..Edition Olms, Zurich, 1985.

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